Bob Drobatz is president of operations for Petaluma Market in Santa Rosa, CA. He told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat that the tomatoes he was pulling from grocery shelves came from Mexico.
Mexico is one of the biggest suppliers of red round tomatoes and the country was conspicuously absent from the FDA “safe” list, Drobatz said.
“I assume it must be Mexico where the suspect tomatoes are from,” he said.
Yesterday we reported Dr. Michael Landen, deputy state epidemiologist with the New Mexico Department of Health, said “Preliminary data indicates the tomatoes we are having problems with are from Mexico."
How much longer must we wait for FDA to come out with the Unsafe List? Bill Marler asked the same question on the Marler blog.
So, where the Hell did the Salmonella Tomatoes and E. coli Romain Lettuce come from?
He also asks: In the days of the risk of bio-terrorism, and with the advent of computer technology to pin-point where our books from Amazon are, you would think we would be able to trace-back contaminated tomatoes and lettuce a bit quicker?