To prevent salmonella bacterial infection:

  • Cook poultry, ground beef, and eggs thoroughly before eating. In order to insure that eggs do not contain viable salmonella, they must be cooked at least until the yoke is solid and meat and poultry must reach 160 degrees F or greater throughout.
  • Do not eat or drink foods containing raw eggs. Examples include homemade eggnog, hollandaise sauce, and undercooked French toast.
  • Never drink raw (unpasteurized) milk.
  • If you are served undercooked meat, poultry or eggs in a restaurant don’t hesitate to send it back to the kitchen for further cooking.
  • Wash hands, kitchen work surfaces, and utensils with soap and water immediately after they have been in contact with foods of animal origin.
  • Be particularly careful with foods prepared for infants, the elderly, and those with a compromised immune system.
  • Wash hands with soap after handling reptiles, amphibians or birds, or after contact with pet feces. Infants and immunocompromised persons should have no direct or indirect contact with such pets.