Recalls of Honduran cantaloupes continued today (3/26/08), and the latest company caught with salmonella-tainted cantaloupes usually imports fruits from Costa Rica.
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration put out two company press releases announcing voluntarily recalls of Central America-grown cantaloupes. First Central American Produce, Inc. of Pompano Beach, FL said it was recalling cantaloupes grown, packed, and shipped by "an independent third party grower." That grower was Agropecuaria Montelibano in San Lorenzo Valle, Honduras.
The Tropifresh, Inc. of Los Angles said it was recalling Agrolibano Produce brand because "they appear to be contaminated with Salmonella…" Whole cantaloupe sold by Tropifresh carry a "Mike’s Melons" label and were distributed in Southern California, Pennsylvania and Canada. On its website, Tropifresh advertises itself as an importer of fruit from Costa Rica.
This time, however, it may have got caught buying from one of the "big boats" that pickup fruits in the Gulf of Fonseca for the trip north. (The Gulf serves El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua)
Tropifresh bought the bad melons from the same supplier did Central American Produce, Inc.
That would be Agropecuaria Montelibano in San Lorenzo Valle, Honduras.