According to the Vermont Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control reported Friday (not yet on its website) that 68 people in 10 states have become ill as part of the outbreak. Eleven people were hospitalized and none have died. Health officials in Vermont said three of the cases were in Vermont, and New Hampshire said it has four associated cases.

The CDC said a review of records and invoices at restaurants in the northeast where people became ill shows they ate bean sprouts from Wonton Food, Inc. of Brooklyn, New York.

Thursday the Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced that it was investigating a possible Salmonella cluster in Massachusetts and across state lines.

Infection with Salmonella typically causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal cramps. Illness can be severe and require hospitalization. Young children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop severe illness. It can be fatal without prompt treatment.