Meijer stores and gas stations recalled of two types of its Meijer Brand crackers and two types of Meijer Brand ice cream sold in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. Meijer removed all identified products from its stores and gas stations.
All sell-by dates are impacted by this recall. Specifically, Meijer has recalled the following items:
- Meijer Cheese and Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers, UPC #0-41250-56235
- Meijer Toasty Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers, UPC #0-41250-56239
- Meijer Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream, UPC #00000007-19283-96635-3
- Meijer Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream, UPC #00000007-19283-96843-2
Like the others, the Meijer recall stems from its concern that its ice cream and crackers contain peanut butter made by Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) in its contaminated Georgia plant said to be responsible for the current nationwide salmonella outbreak.
For more, go here.