The Salmonella category is vast and the choice was difficult. Ultimately we chose to go back to 1985 to the Bluebrook and Hillfarm 2% Pasteurized Milk outbreak. Salmonella Typhimurium was the serotype implicated in this outbreak. At least 6149 cases were reported of which 5770 were laboratory confirmed. At least nine deaths were attributed. The milk had been sold in supermarkets in several Midwestern states. Located in a Chicago suburb, the Hillfarm dairy was the sole supplier of milk to 217 supermarkets operated by the Jewel Food Stores chain in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Michigan. The dairy was owned by the Jewel company and had been producing milk since 1968. The outbreak prompted the company to cease all dairy production on April 9, 1985. The presence of a cross connection that could have exposed pasteurized milk to raw milk was suspected as the cause of the contamination in the dairy processing plant.