May 2006

The 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Orlando, Florida discussed the fact that, although rare, public health officials should be aware that orange juice and other foods traditionally not associated with foodborne disease outbreaks could still be a source of disease.

"For many years individuals in the public health arena would

Warm weather would seem an invitation to move meals outdoors, yet cooking out — or grilling — is not without risks, said Fadi Aramouni, Kansas State University Research and Extension food scientist.

Meat scientists and researchers at Kansas State University determined that ground beef browns at different rates, so that browning, long considered an indication

In rare instances, that morning glass of orange juice can be a source of foodborne illness, public health officials noted at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Orlando, Florida.

Orange juice is one of the foods that — due to its acidity, moisture levels, or a combination of both — isn’t capable

Key dates surrounding the salmonella outbreak at Camden’s Old South restaurant, the largest food-borne illness outbreak in state history, were published by The South Carolina State:

  • May 20-21: The first cases of salmonella poisoning from diners at Old South buffet restaurant in Camden are reported at the Kershaw County Medical Center.
  • May 22: James Arledge,

Orange juice and other foods traditionally not associated with foodborne disease outbreaks can still be a source of disease, although rare.

Foods that, because their acidity, moisture level, or a combination of both, are incapable of supporting the growth of foodborne pathogens or toxin production without storage time and temperature controls are defined by the

What makes inspections by the Department of Health and Environmental Control more effective today, officials say, is education about critical-risk factors and correction of violations on the spot, rather than giving restaurants 10 days to make corrections.

"They’re doing a fantastic job of education," said Tom Sponseller, president of the Hospitality Association of South Carolina.

State health officials say restaurant employees are better educated than they were a year ago, during South Carolina’s largest salmonella outbreak in history.

Changes to inspections already were under way, reports The South Carolina State, when more than 300 people became sick and one man died after eating undercooked turkey at Camden’s Old South buffet

From the day a calf is born at Oakwood Dairy to the day it leaves the Aurelius farm, it is tracked.

Each Holstein cow is identifiable with earring-like tags that are cross-referenced to a database with information about its breeding pedigree, every time it has been given vaccinations, every time it has had a calf